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Did you know...? Middle-earth Fun-Fact of the Month!

Did you know...?

That it wasn't only Sauron's forces who had large canine companions in Arda? "Huan", meaning "great dog/hound" in Sindarin, was the Hound of Valinor. This magnificent creature was among the hunting dogs of Oromë the Hunter, one of the Valar. Judging from descriptions, Huan was similar to a small horse in stature, along with the physical characteristics of a wolfhound. An image of a grey-coated Irish Wolfhound is pictured below to provide a realistic idea of his appearance.

He was bestowed exceptional abilities by the powerful Valar. In addition to his notable size, Huan was tireless, sleepless, immortal, and was allowed human speech three times before his death. There was a prophesy that Huan could be slain by none but the greatest wolf to ever live. This unfortunately turned out to be the werewolf, Carcharoth. To read more about this valiant dog of legend, click here!

Side note from me... If we were to get Silmarillion movies in the future, would you want this fellah to make the cut? There's a whole lot of content they'd have to condense to fit even into a trilogy. What do you guys think? How badly would you want to see him on the big screen? Who do you think would voice him well? Tell me in the comments below, or feel free to start a discussion in the A.M.E. Chat Forum! Forums are only open to members. Not a member of Allegiance Middle-earth? It's free to join and enjoy the benefits such as participation in the Roleplay Forum, Chat Forum, and contests!


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