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Did you know?... Middle-earth Fun-Fact of The Month!

Did you know...?

Just prior to the Fellowship of the Ring's departure from Lothlórien, Lady Galadriel presented each member with a gift meant for that individual. When asked what he would wish to receive, Gimli son of Gloin timidly and politely replied that he would desire but one strand from Galadriel's enchanting tresses; of the extremely rare hue of golden-silver. She in return granted him not one, but three strands. Gimli carried this treasure with him for the rest of the quest, and even beyond that. The hairs became a family heirloom of his people, and he later had them cast into a crystal to be a permanent symbol of the "pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days." Two feuding peoples now dwell in friendship, with the priceless creation of both Elven and Dwarvish origin to represent the newfound unity. Click here to read more on the surprisingly great significance of this seemingly simple gift from Galadriel.


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