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Greetings, all!


      Welcome to A.M.E.! "Allegiance Middle-earth" is a US based fan-club for fans of "The Hobbit" & "The Lord of the Rings". Need something to satisfy your need for all things Middle-earth activities and fun-facts? Look no further! Through this fan-club I hope to connect fans across the country and the globe. If you like this site, please share it with family and friends! Feel free to start A.M.E. groups for your local area, I'd love to hear what ideas you come up with!

About "Allegiance Middle-earth"

Thranduil holding sword
Faramir holding bow and sword
Arwen riding horse

How A.M.E. came to be...


      Every Middle-earth fan comes to find the excitement of Middle-earth in their own unique way. Some fall in love with the legendary writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, others by the productions of Peter Jackson in which he brings Tolkien's tales to brilliant life on the screen.  Some arrive here with years of exposure to Middle-earth adventures, others are just now discovering the wondrous stories!


      I would be one of those that fall closer to the latter. I am Yolanda Noakes, a "Hobbit of the Shire". Yolanda Noakes is my OC (Original Character) name, and I live in the Northwest area of the USA. In the year of 2017, one of my great friends showed me the "The Hobbit" & "The Lord of the Rings" films. I was captivated. I then proceeded to read "The Hobbit or There and Back Again" and have begun reading "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. With this new interest, combined with my passion of writing, I immediately sought out others who shared the love of Middle-earth on one of the multiplayer games I use for Roleplaying. That's how I met Ravamir (that is her OC Name), a girl who lives in a different region of the country than I. Through the RP and a series of events, we have become very good friends who love discussing and sharing our love of Middle-earth. We realized there had to be others out there, like us, who would like to connect with other Tolkien enthusiasts and share their interest, too. That is when I was inspired to create "Allegiance Middle-earth."

That's me, Yolanda Noakes!

*All photos taken by me and/or that are of me, Yolanda Noakes, are my property. Please do not use photos of me where my face is shown. Thank you.*

Do you have any suggestions for events, quizzes, additions, feedback, etc. for A.M.E.? Please head to the "Contact Me" page and send them in!

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