Did you know...? Middle-earth Fun-Fact of the Month!
Did you know...? That it wasn't only Sauron's forces who had large canine companions in Arda? "Huan", meaning "great dog/hound" in...
Did you know...? Middle-earth Fun-Fact of the Month!
Did you know...? The great Elvenking Thranduil of the Greenwood (otherwise known as Mirkwood) rules from his vast woodland halls. This...
A New Playlist for A.M.E.'s YouTube Channel!
Hallo, my dear friends! The stories of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings have given us many meaningful things. Iconic characters,...
A Glimpse of Middle-earth, Some Collectibles, and Yolanda Noakes' Face Reveal!
Well met, my dear friends! This past week I had the thrilling experience of being able to see some of the actual props used in the The...
Allegiance Middle-earth is Now on YouTube!
A star shines upon the hour of our meeting... Allegiance Middle-earth has expanded to YouTube! Click on the above image to go to A.M.E.'s...
Did you know?... Middle-earth Fun-Fact of The Month!
Did you know...? Just prior to the Fellowship of the Ring's departure from Lothlórien, Lady Galadriel presented each member with a gift...